Friday, February 4, 2011

God of the Second Chance

       One of the greatest blessings I have as President of the ministry is traveling around the country visiting our chaplains, and meeting people who have trusted in Christ for their salvation and had their lives changed forever.

      There are literally hundreds of thousands of men, women, and young people who were in jail or prison and had a Good News Chaplain come into their lives with a message of hope. Some in society would say, “Why bother? Lock them up and throw away the key.” To those who might think like that, I would say, “Isn’t it an unbelievable blessing that we have a God of the second chance?”

      When we look at John 3:16, I believe we see the single strongest word possible. That word is “whosoever.” The verse doesn’t say only good people, church people, righteous people, or those who have never made a mistake can believe and have everlasting life, it says “whosoever.” As one of those “whosoevers,” I thank God for Chaplain Bill Simmer who told me about a God who loved me and was willing to give me a second chance.

      Each day, Good News Chaplains around the world are delivering the life changing message of the Gospel and seeing it change lives. They are ministering to those whom others have forgotten and fulfilling our vision of transforming lives behind bars here and around the world.

      I would encourage you to go back through our website and check on “Inmate Testimonies.” There are quite a few stories you can listen to and I hope you are blessed to hear true stories of people who got a second chance. In fact in 2010, our chaplains reported over 119,000 changed lives!!

      This is our 50th Anniversary in ministry. Check us out and for more information see our complete website or give us a call at 800-220-2202. God bless.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our God Is In Control

             Our God is in control! ....Those five words enable you and me to deal with the chaotic and tumultuous times in which we live.  To those who know Christ, they give us assurance and great peace.

            “Transforming lives behind bars here and around the world” is the vision of Good News Jail & Prison Ministry.  Fifty years ago it was the vision of our Founder, Dr. Bill Simmer, and it’s our vision today.  It drives everything we do as chaplains, and staff that support them.  It’s what motivates people to get involved, as volunteers and financial supporters.

            As we have stayed true to that vision, God has allowed Good News Jail & Prison Ministry to become the leading provider of Christian chaplains to jails and prisons worldwide -- chaplains who consistently deliver life changing ministry to inmates. 

            Is it working?  Yes, because God is in control!  From January through September this year, our chaplains have reported 105,458 individuals who have decided to place their faith in Christ, or recommit their lives to Him.  That’s the power of God at work.

            Does it last?  As one who trusted Christ behind bars many years ago, I know for certain it does.  But, let me tell you about a man named Dean.  Like you, he prays for and supports Good News Jail & Prison Ministry.  He knows first hand the value of our chaplains, for one led him to Christ while Dean was an inmate in a central Florida jail.  Dean says “I came to a point where I decided, God, if you show me another way, I’ll do whatever it takes to lead a new life.”

            Today Dean is a successful building contractor, owning his own company as a responsible employer and is a leader in the Christian community in central Florida.  He holds a weekly Bible study for his employees at his office.  In his words, he wants to “teach and show our employees there is a better life to live than the world’s way.”

            Does it last?  For Dean and me and for thousands and thousands of others just like us over the years ... absolutely!

            The fact that you are reading this shows you are interested in jail and prison ministry.  I would encourage you to take time to examine our website in its entirety. Discover what God is doing around the world through the ministry of our chaplains.

            If we can be of any assistance or answer any questions for you, give us a call at 800-220-2202.  May God bless you in all ways.


Thursday, April 1, 2010


     There is no doubt that we are living in tumultuous and chaotic times.  Every day we are assaulted in the media by those on both sides of issues, whatever they may be, and based on our "politics" we either agree with, or question the intent of, those who so readily share their opinions.

     Isn't it a tremendously comforting thing to realize that we have a God who is always the same, never gets into "politics," and has provided a way for us to be reconciled with Him based on the death and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ?

     That is the message that Good News Chaplains worldwide share daily in the jails and prisons where they minister.  We are blessed to have the opportunity to each day see God changes lives that society has said could never change.  There are thousands and thousands of people today who heard the Chaplain's message, decided to trust in Christ alone for their salvation, served their time, and are now productive, tax paying citizens instead of tax burdens languishing in jails and prisons.

     The fact is that we have a God of the second chance and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  No tumult, no chaos, no wondering if we can trust Him.  If you haven't, why not today?

     To find out more about Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, look at the website in its entirety or give us a call @ 800-220-2202.  May God bless you in all ways.

Harry L. Greene
President & CEO

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The most hated word in corrections is recidivism.  It means an inmate has been released and is incarcerated again...usually within months of their release.

As a society we have taken the position that "programs" will change people based on a premise that is if you change behavior, people will change.  We have spent untold millions of dollars on educational, vocational, and therapeutic programs, all of which are drastically needed.  But in and of themselves, they will not change people.  They can certainly enhance and embellish change, but we continually have walking out of jail and prison doors, better educated, vocationally trained, and therapeutically treated criminals....not changed people.

God would say of society's paradigm, "No, you have it backwards.  You don't change behavior and change people, you change people, from the inside, and then the behavior will change."  In other words, change the heart and the rest will follow.

As always, God's plan is the correct one, in fact the only one that can truly reduce recidivism.  When a man or woman in jail or prison trusts Christ as their Savior, and yields their life to Him, they change.  It is that simple and it's the reason Good News Jail & Prison Ministry trains and places Godly Christian Chaplains in correctional facilities around the world.  Our vision is to reach the inmates of the world for Christ.

Since the ministry was founded in 1961, by Dr. William L. Simmer, the focus has always been, and will always be, in placing full time Chaplains in facilities across the nation and around the world.  Each of these jails or prisons has requested to have a Good News Chaplain.  We have never knocked on a door and asked to place a Chaplain.  That speaks volumes about the integrity, professionalism, and commitment of Good News Chaplains.

The ministry has grown to be unique in the entire world for two reasons.  First, God has opened doors of opportunity as one facility administrator recommends Good News to another because of the appreciation they have for their Chaplain.  Time after time we are told that the Chaplain's ministry is the only thing correctional staffs see changing inmate's lives.

Secondly, God touches the hearts of His people to stand with us financially as partners in ministry.  Our policy has always been that we will not accept any form of tax dollars to support ministry.  We look to God's people to support and enable these missionaries called Chaplains.

The question might be asked, "How do we want people to be coming out of incarceration?  Do we want them rejoining the "old gang" and committing new crimes, or do we want them to be looking for a good church to join and seeking Christian fellowship?"

Some of you reading this may be very skeptical and doubt that we are seeing lives changed daily around the world.  Lives that society has said, "Lock them up and throw away the keys."  But we have a God of the second chance and He says, "I have a plan for their lives."

So my request to you would simply be, "check us out!"  If we're not doing the things we say we are, then you should ignore us.  However, once you've taken the time to investigate, I believe you'll agree with me that the answer to recidivism is Christ.

That message is proclaimed by Good News Chaplains daily as they minister nationally and internationally.  Please take time to visit and fully examine our website.  I believe you will agree that this is a ministry you should pray about partnering with in reducing recidivism.

Friday, November 6, 2009

2009 a Year to Celebrate!

Despite the economy and unrest in the world, the Lord has continued to bless the efforts of our Good News chaplains and volunteers.  Through October 2009 we have seen:

100,662 Professions of Faith
51,251 Recommitments
28.087 Preaching Services
51,793 Bible Classes
287, 076 Bible Lessons Completed and Graded
116,454 Counseling/Visitation Sessions